Posts Tagged ‘carbs


Back to the Basics

There are so many fights coming up for my fighters here in Texas in the next few months, it really makes me think about how important the BASICS are. I tell my fighters all the time that there is no magic to the training diet. It’s discipline, commitment and focus (just like training….). At the bare minimum, the following need to be in place:
Eating 5-6 times a day
Consuming enough total calories and fluids for each day
Consuming the right combination of carbs, protein, and fat
Getting enough rest
Taking a complete rest day

I can’t say it enought: a fighter has to be eating 5-6 times a day. Beyond that, consideration has to be given for eating around a training schedule. There needs to be something scheduled for at least an hour prior to training, if the session is going to be for longer than 30 minutes. There needs to be something eaten DURING training, if the session is going for longer than 1 hour. The post-training meal is not to be overlooked, either. This meal needs to happen within 30 minutes of the workout ending.

Most of the guys I work with are just young enough that they can cut corners on the diet thing and it not seem to make much of a difference. At least, that’s what they think. The truth is it DOES make a difference. Crappy eating and crappy training habits are just that: Crappy Habits. When they hit 25 or 30, they start noticing that the corner cutting REALLY makes a difference. But now they have these Crappy Habits in place and it is really hard to learn a new way of eating. What should be a no-brainer, now becomes a mental exercise. I REALLY encourage the young guys to learn to do it the right way NOW!!

Get the basics in place so you are not having to go to nutrition pre-school when it’s potentially too late.

This is what Rudog is for. Teaching nutrition to fighters that promotes training, recovery, and winning!! Contact Rudog today to become a member and get your education on-line for $9.95/month OR get a nutrition consult in person. It is worth every penny.

Mary Bell, the fight dietitian


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